Since my past few blog posts have just been about our trip to London, I'm now playing catch up regarding my 'normal blogging'.
I've been doing some good kitchen based work over the past few weeks, so here is a little visual catchup of all the Yummy stuff I have been doing. :)
Pear & Raspberry Jam Danish:
We get free fruit at work which is nice, but since a lot of people were off work for the winter holidays here in DK there were LOTS of pears going uneaten. So I figured I should put them to use before they rot.
First I pouched the pears in water, lemon juice and some vanilla essence until soft. Then let them cool while cutting the puff pastry, add some nice jam, place the pear on top, add a little meted butter as a wash, pop in the oven for 20min and out pops a great danish! We had ours with a little creme fresh and it turned out great, we will definitely do it again. :)
Warm danish with a little cream...yum!
Basil pesto:
Always wanted to try my hand a pesto because we love it in our household, and since we now have a mini blender there was no excuse!
Basil, pine nuts, Parmesan cheese, olive oil, seasoning.....blend then eat!
Chocolate mouse:
We have been watching a show called "Come dine with me" and we saw a lady make chocolate mouse, it looked good so we figured "if she can do it so can we!"
Melt chocolate with butter, once melted whisk in two egg yokes the fold into cream that has been whipped with sugar. Repeat this process with white chocolate and put into a glass, cover and chill.......then look forward to the diabetes!