Monday, February 1, 2010

Yum & Yum & Cute.

So here are the pics I was talking about yesterday of my cooking adventures on Sunday afternoon. We had our good friend Saskia and her super cute baby (Ella) over to hang out so we did a nice lunch and made a day of it.

I went a little crazy and made little sausages in croissant dough, plain & chocolate croissants, Humus with Pitta bread, Guacamole and Fee knocked up an awesome Bulgar salad with green leaves and pomegranate!

That was some good eats.

For desert I attempted a strudel and for the first attempt it turned out pretty good. I used Apple, Pear, Raisins and Walnuts for the filling with a dash of Vanilla to jazz it up. To be honest it was all just an excuse to use my coveted tin of 'Ambrosia Custard' I was hiding in the cupboard for a special occasion.

Words can not express my feelings for you.

As mentioned we had Saskia over so Fee could give her a hand setting up a blog for her new project which is designed to help children. Basically Saskia is offering her services as a photographer for kids parties and events but instead of payment she simply asks you donate to a childrens charity. This is a great project headed up by a great lady with a big heart, so go check out the site and spread the word!!

Fee and Saskia hard at work....booties are optional.

Ella was rather bored of the girls conversation.

Ella was using her mind powers to get Fee's
hand to pick up some Strudel for her.

"Hello....can I help you?"


  1. Hi Nic, no props at all!! And thank you sooo mucho for the yummy yummy lunch and strudel, really enjoyed spending the day a your place. Your the best babysitter!!!

    Guess I need to change the text on my blog in english real soon...Christine offered to help out, so thats cool.

    Enjoy you trip, ill be following your guys from now on!

    Big danish hug!!

  2. I could actually here my stomach while reading this :)
