Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Snow day!

What a day!

I guess if you live in Denmark as I do, you would have woken up to snow this morning....thick, white, cold snow covering everything. Fee's car pool buddy Carl pulled out to work from home, and so Fee decided to do the same. This turned out to be a very good idea as the roads were still un-salted and rather dangerous. There were lots of car sliding around and wheel spinning their way up hills as I walked to meet Joakim for the drive to work......and we didn't fair any better ourselves. We were stuck in a traffic Jam and it took us almost TWO hours to get to work!

Fresh think snow in the car park this time to make a snow man, blast!

The street is now full of salty brown sludge, but it was
rather nice this morning.

So we finally get to work just about in time for our 10am meetings to find that the other attendees cant get in and the meeting is canceled. NOOOOOOO! Plus, I had to leave at lunch time to go to the dentist, so it was a rather long and wasted morning. I was as productive as I could be within those few hours but I had to run to get the bus at 12pm.

Me and my big boots in the snow.

The bus stop is basically on the edge of the forest, so you can see the
trees and plants bearing the extra weight of the cold snow.

No idea where this goes, but it still looks cold.

"Thats one cool bike"
Get it? No? High five? hell with you then!

While on the bus I got to thinking "who design's the textile pattens for the seats?" because they look like they got it from some kind of tropical fish that grew some fur and was then shaved for it's pelt?!?. Not the best thing to be looking at while on a long bus ride.


So, we are just about to pull in to Vejle when my phone rings and it's the dentist to tell me they have to cancel my appointment because my guy cant drive in because of the snow. NOOOOO! (again) So the whole morning was a bit of a waste. :(

There was however an upside to all this, I got to have a nice lunch with my great wife and chill at home a little earlier an normal....'every cloud' :)

A nice piece of graffiti I saw on the bus ride home.

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