Sorry for the lack of blogging, it been MEGA busy here in the land of Nik. I'm on no less than 3 projects at the moment, so my brain is a little all over the place.
I've got a big model review (thats when me and some other designers build though the model to make sure it's up to LEGO standards) coming up on Thursday, so there is a lot of prep work that needs to be done. So much so that I stayed home today to go though the model and practise the build without people bugging me to do other stuff, which was a very good idea indeed because there is A LOT of bricks!
Big bag-o-bricks!
That may not look like much to you (thats deliberate, your not allowed to know what it is yet!) but thats a bag of over 2000 elements that I have to remember how to build. So a little practise helps when it come to the big day. Still going to be a long day Wednesday, but I hope the extra effort helps.
In other news:
The teeth have been giving me some issues, well not the teeth as such, more the rubber bands pulling them in all directions! My teeth hit each other as I bite which is damaging them, so they need to pull the bottom row in and the top row out using the power of rubber.
Look at that monstrosity in my mouth!
It's a pain (in every sense of the word) because I have to take them out every time I want to eat something, plus I have to change them daily because the bands lose their tension......but they are doing the trick because I now have an overbite. :)
Never been able to do that before!
Not much news on the Tattoo front, it's all healed now but I had to cancel my bi-weekly pain session because of the upcoming model review. My next dose of ink is on the 17th.....and yes, that is the day after I visit the dentist.....again! Another double shot of pain please!!
The wife's favorite blossom, now heal and a little hairy.
While reading the latest internal magazine at LEGO I came across some other tattoo related news which was rather unexpected. A guy by the name of Egon who works in the product safety department went and got some LEGO ink.
The's rather short at a whopping 3 questions.
There's the tat, i'll keep my opinions to myself. :/
There's the man himself, look at his happy little face.
Have to say, not seen a LEGO tattoo yet that's made me think "wow, thats cool", got some ideas for a LEGO tat myself but i'm not going to rush into anthing plenty going on as it is right now. :)
Well I best be off, lots to be getting on sleeping, but just to leave you on a happy note, here is a shot of our christmas-y street as seen from our living room window.
Looks likes Santa's landing strip!