Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Welcome to the book club..pt1

While doing all the painting and clean over the past couple of weeks, we finally got round to sorting out reading area and bookcases. We have a ton of books but when we sorted through them I realised there were looks of book I had not read yet, forgot we had or meant to recommend.

So what better way to help remind me of what we have (and help you pick a good holiday read) than to post it here. So expect a few more of these on slow news days... :)

Marilyn Manson's auto-biography The long hard road out of Hell was a good read, everything you would expect and then some. Talks about his childhood and explains a lot about why he is who he is. Devil May Care was so-so, its a Bond novel but written by Sebastian Faulks in the style of Ian Fleming. I like the Bond books but this missed the mark a little, the originals are better. Addict was also a good read, true story of this guy who get sucked in to a cray life of drugs and crime in 60's london, they keep talking about making it into a film but it never seems to happen. The rest belong to the wife and I have not read them, but 'Ugly' & 'A Piece of cake" are those painful lives style books she loves so much....so if your into that those are for you.

Devil in Amber, The Vesuvius Club and Black Butterfly are three great books by Mark Gatiss. He's a British comedian/writer (The Leauge of Gentlemen, Dr Who) with a dark side that come out in the books, Fee and me both liked these books. Think James Bond but written by Oscar Wilde.... highly recommend! Two copies of The Outsider which is a classic book and one of Fee's favorites, guess thats why we have two. Got the screen play of Taxi Driver in there (you talking to me?) and no book collection would be complete without The Da Vinci Code. I must remember to read the Bowie biography someday...


  1. that makes my heart cry a lil bit..all of my books are at my parentshouse hundreds of kilometeres away...we need a bigger flat..and i really cant imagine of a james bond written by oscar wilde^^

  2. That is sad, it's great to have books close at hand....get a bigger apartment! Hahaha :P

  3. Great post, I'll definitely try one of your suggestions and will be looking out for more tips!
    (am decluttering too, but my unread books are unread for a reason :)

  4. Declutering is great, feels sooo good to get rid of junk. But I know what you mean, so many books os little time!
