Thursday, February 3, 2011


Hey hey people!

Sorry it's been a little silent on the blog front but I have been VERY busy of late. Work has been super busy and I had a Danish test to get my head round so i've not really had the time or energy to blog.

However I bring good news, I passed my Driving Theory test today! Thats the written part with all the rules of the road and what you should and should not do in a car. It was a stressful day as I get super nervous with any test and this was no exception! I didn't even eat lunch I was so nervous. :/

So i'm glad thats over, now its all systems go for the practical test, no date set yet but it wont be too far away...... so stay off the roads!



  1. Congrats, good job! I hope you take a moment for a well-deserved treat :)!

    PS. I know what you mean about tests, still feel like I'm 6 when I have to take one..
