Sunday, May 15, 2011


What a weekend!

We had a great but draining few days in Copenhagen and Sweden and there are lots of great pics to show and stories to tell but I'm far too drained to blog fully tonight. Not been home very long, I'm sore and tired but I wanted to show you this...




It's Latin and it translates to Order from Chaos or Order out of Chaos. Hitting 30 this year felt like a real turning point in my life. I have a great job*, an amazing wife an amazing family and I'm blessed to have great friends. It all felt very... grow up. I've always loved tattoos and felt I needed to mark this 'event' in some way.

Being a designer who's work tools are his hands I felt this phrase carried a lot of wait for me. In my work I take a big messy and chaotic pile of bricks or ideas and turn them into something with order and logic. For me building LEGO sets and designing is all about problem solving, taking something that does not work or make sense and creating something better that people can use and understand. So having this on my hands seemed to make so much sense, and if I was going to take this big a step I really wanted it to MEAN something special to me.

Judd Ripley did an awesome job of keeping the lines solid and not 'blowing' any of the line out. Fingers are VERY tricky which is why Judd was the only guy I trusted to pull this off.

As well as the hands I did have a large piece done on the back of my right arm, however it's rather swollen and bruised..... plus its hard to get a shot of the back of your own arm! So I'll leave you with this little teaser until it heals up a bit.

Hmmmmm what could it be?

*Ok kids, I am very lucky to have a career where having tattoos like this does not get me fired. I studied and worked hard to get myself into a line of work that I love and that affords me the freedom to live doing the things I love. Granted, the art & design industry is a little more 'free' than most lines of work but please think hard before doing something like this as not all employers will be as open. Thanks.


  1. judd is the man!!!!!

    ps : totally agree with the note at the end of the post!

  2. He is the man! :)
    Thanks for the support!
