Monday, October 11, 2010

Ladies, look away now if you are on a diet.

For the past couple of days Fee and me have been cooking up one hell of a storm in the kitchen. Its been a lot of fun but this also means we will have to hit the gym a little harder this week. For a full update on my wife's cooking extravaganza go see her blog for lots of yummy goodness! :)

There she is!

So what have I been up to while my wife has been slaving in the kitchen you ask? Working on becoming the Cheesecake king of Vejle that's what! I think i'm getting it down to a fine art now and they taste pretty good even if I do say so myself. I made 3 whole cheesecakes this weekend...... i'm guessing i'll have diabettes by the end of next week.

This is one of the few that I made, it's a Choc chip cookie base with Vanilla filling and a creamy chocolate topping.

I made that one to take over to a friend who has had some bad luck with his car over the last few months. I know he likes Cheesecake so this was to cheer him up a bit, we popped over to see them and have some coffee...this was also a good excuse to hang out with one of our favorite Vejle babies.

As well as our Cheese Cake, they had made a tasty Apple Struddle!

"Wat you mean I can haz no more cake...?!"

So we ate a lot of cake, had some coffee and chatted for a while until it was time to head home for dinner........ and more cake making!

So this is number two, pretty much the same as the last but without the Chocolate topping. Plus this one is about double the size.

Fee likes the fruit and jelly topping to her cakes so I decided to give that another try.

It tasted super yum, but the jelly topping was a little heavy...but still yum.

Stop licking the screen!


  1. oh i hate you for this post (cheesecake is my alltime fav)..but do it like your wife and post the recipes! that would be at least fair XD chocolate chip cookie base..crazy!

  2. Haha dont hate me, I only make cake so people will like me. :P I'll get my wife to put the recipe on her blog so the you can make your own. :)
