Friday, May 8, 2009

Fiorella...the worlds best pain in the neck.

So today was the day I got the  'Job Stopper' as some people have started calling it, but to be honest I'm kind of glad I'm no longer employable by such fine establishments as 'Pizza Hut' and 'McDonalds'  :)

It was horrible weather in Vejle before we set off but it got very clear and sunny once we got into Copenhagen......then it got windy and grey again. Oh well, at least it didn't rain down upon us.

We got there pretty much on time but we did not get started until 5ish, let's just say Judd likes to talk. 

I'm a little sore and tired at the moment, but here are some pics Fee took while I was getting my neck drilled. Enjoy.   :)

The stencil in place and the man himself talking about the art of putting on a stencil.

Me in one of the odd positions I had to be in once he got started.

All in all things went well, it was not the terrible pain I was expecting.

The strange thing was that he kept hitting nerves in my neck that made my nose, toes, back, ears and teeth twitch. That's the wonders of the human body for you.

Fee's "I'm bored so I'm going to take some arty photos in the mirror" shot.

Thanking the Judd for his hard work.

The finished piece, it's a little red and sore at the moment which will settle down. So stay tuned for some pics once it heals up.

Fee.....I love you.

1 comment:

  1. beautiful

    guess you wont be shaving for a little while

    see you in Aug

