Monday, May 31, 2010

Pop comes to Vejle Pt1

So Daddy Groves arrived on Friday morning to some nice weather. We took the day nice and slow, my Dad had been traverling since early that morning so he was a little tired. We had some lunch at home, took a little walk out in town and relaxed for a while. In the everning we popped out for a nice dinner and a few drinks, we all had a great time and it reminded me little of the old days back in London ..... sadly I forgot to take photos (sorry).

The next morning we woke up to Fee's home made bread, Mmmmmm. It was the first time she had tried it and it turned out GREAT! I look forward to more home baked goodness in the future. :)

Yum yum!

After breakfast we popped up to the 'Dyrehaven' to feed some wildlife and be at one with nature. It was such a nice day out and we knew m Dad would love it. There was some good light and I managed to get some nice shots from the D90. Been playing with the settings and getting a feel for the camera a little more, so shots are coming out nice these days.

Deer Park to you non-Danish readers.

Crazy to think this is just a 10min drive from home.


The Deer Hunter!


"Come to me my animal friends!"

A little Hobbit house for the Deer.

Me Dad and wife...reprezenting!

By this point my Dad had been accepted into the family.


"We can has Cheezburger now?"

"Make sure you get my best side."

"I wonder who lives there?"


  1. hahaha your dad and your girl posing! love it! your pops looks like an very impressive man O.O you have to tell him that he has great hair!

  2. Hahaha...I'll pass on the compliment about the hair when I see him in London Tomorrow. One day I hope for my hair to be as grat as his! :P

  3. thats a great goal for life - having great hair!
